GenPep Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. intends to set up a pharmaceutical industry with the aim of developing and manufacturing Generic as well as Novel Peptide and Oligonucleotide drug molecules that can be used further by our customers for formulation and/or research purposes.

Recent developments in biotechnology and bioengineering area have put Peptides and Oligonucleotides on top of popularity to study their therapeutic applications.  This mainly includes Type-II diabetes, cancer diagnosis and treatment, antibiotic drug development, epitope mapping, production of antibodies, and vaccine design.

The use of synthetic peptides approved by the health authorities for vaccines, cancer, and drug delivery systems is increasing with these developments. Due to limited expertise in this field, there is tremendous pressure to fulfill the huge market demand for the Peptides.

Our Goal at GenPep Pharmaceuticals is to utilize our expertise in Peptides and Oligonucleotides to develop and deliver a product inlined as per the regulatory requirement with cost-effective technologies.

Mission Vision

Our Mission

To demonstrate and exhibit our expertise to produce complex Peptides and Oligonucleotides drugs.

Our Vision:

To established as a leading pharmaceutical & CRAMS organization with Speciality in the field of Peptides and Oligonucleotides and thereby to provide services in API, Formulations, Discovery, Cosmetic & Sequencing.

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Our Goal

is to assist our clients at every step of product development; from early stage development to commercial GMP grade manufacturing.

Our Team

Dr. Mahesh V Sonar


Dr. Mahesh V. Sonar is a pharmaceutical professional who obtained his PhD from one of India’s premier research Institute National Chemical Laboratory Pune in the field of Peptides, Oligonucleotides & Chemical Biology. He has obtained Post-Doctoral Research experience from Thomas Jefferson University (USA), SUNY Binghamton (USA) and IISER Pune. During his academics, he published more than 10 research papers in peer reviewed international journals. He has more than 10 years of industrial experience where he established robust processes for nucleosides, nucleotides, peptides and intermediates. His analytical approach and keen interest in the field of peptides and oligonucleotides market research, mergers and acquisitions makes him a perfect fit to play a role of business analyst.


Dr. Adinath M. Jain


Dr. Adinath M. Jain is a pharmaceutical professional with technical background who was associated with National Chemical Laboratory, Pune and Lupin Pharmaceuticals Ltd over a period of 18+ years. He has obtained his PhD from Manipal University in Organic Synthesis. He has expertise in developing a cost-effective synthetic route for commercially important generic drug molecules and Peptides for regulatory market. He played important role in process development for regulatory filling for several APIs. He is inventor & co-inventor for more than 10 process patents that are filed for various novel approaches across wide therapeutical range of molecules such as ACE inhibitor, Antidepressant, Cardiovascular, Antiviral and Thyroid hormone. He has played key role in development to commercial launch of various APIs.


Mr. Sanjay D. Patil


Mr. Sanjay D. Patil holds Master’s degree in science and has played a vital role to established GMP manufacturing facility for Peptides in several pharmaceutical companies across the country namely USV, PolyPeptides, AuroPeptides and Sun Pharmaceuticals. He has over 20+ years of experience in production and technology transfer of Peptides from gm to kg scale. His expertise is manufacturing and scale-up of complex Peptides molecules. He has successfully scaled-up more than 20 generic peptides at commercial level. He has visited and worked with multinational companies in USA and Europe during which he gained a knowledge on advance techniques in peptide manufacturing. He has expertise in designing of the process equipment for Peptides. Sanjay is known for strategic planning and their execution to meets organizational goals. He holds FDA approved certificate for Manufacturing of API from local authorities.
